Satisfaction Guarantee

Writing a thesis is an enormous undertaking, and we know that even more hard labor went into the work that each thesis describes.

We value your manuscript as much as you, and that’s why our satisfaction guarantee ensures that every order placed with us is edited to the highest possible standard. 


Quality and Security Guaranteed

Eneo’s quality guarantee ensures that your writing will be edited until it reaches native level perfection.

Unlimited rewrites are free for all plans and document types, and your document can be resubmitted for free until you are satisfied. Furthermore, your work is safe with us. All of our editors sign non-disclosure agreements and we use the latest in digital threat protection.

With Eneo, you can rest assured that your work is in good hands. We guarantee it.

How does our guarantee work?

Our simple satisfaction guarantee allows you to request your document be re-edited an unlimited number of times until you’re fully satisfied with our proofreading. We only have two basic stipulations to our guarantee.

First, should you wish your document to be re-edited, it must be within 30 days of your document being returned to you. If we haven’t heard from you within 30 days, we’ll take it as approval that you’re satisfied with the work.

Second, a reason is needed for re-editing. We make it very easy to request a re-edit—simply type in a short reason & click a button.

If you do request for your document to be edited again, management will first investigate to make sure there isn’t a problem with the editor’s work in case it needs to be reassigned. We hold very high standards for all of our editors. After a managerial decision, the original timeframe will start again. For example, if you paid for a 72 hour turnaround time, the second round of editing will have another 72 hours.

How does Eneo compare to alternative companies?

We are dedicated to perfect English at the perfect price and the satisfaction of our clients comes first. We want to take the stress out of submitting your thesis or preparing your document and to make the final revisions as simple as possible.

Access to our guarantee is therefore very important to us, so while other companies might make it difficult to request a document be rechecked, we strive to make it as easy as possible.

Upon completion, your proofread and annotated document will be emailed to you and will be available for download on your account orders page. Within this email (and on the account orders page) is a link to request a re-edit. That’s how easy it is.

Please ensure you thoroughly check though your document and read all annotations before confirming you’re satisfied, as this finalises the order ending the guarantee.