Our fees

We strive to keep our fees low and all of our services perfect.

All of our proofreading options are covered by our satisfaction guarantee.

Take a look at our simple fee structure, and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

And please note that these prices do not include local taxes or other fees.

Our simple plans and prices

Important note: Priority is determined by plan. If you order Premium proofreading for an 11,000-word manuscript, it will be edited before Standard level orders and returned within a few days, despite the guaranteed turnaround of 25 days. This is only to allow for very large manuscripts.


(Least urgent)


(Highest urgency)

Return Time

500-10,000 Words: Within 7 Days
10,000-80,000 Words: Within 40 Days

500-10,000 Words: Within 72 Hours
10,000-80,000 Words: Within 25 Days

500-10,000 Words: Within 24 Hours
10,000-80,000 Words: ASAP!

Fee Per Word

$0.06 AUD
(Plus Tax)

$0.07 AUD
(Plus Tax)

$0.10 AUD
(Plus Tax)

Instant estimate

Estimate only, local taxes and payment fees may apply. For a final quote please proceed to our order page.

Need more information?

Check our help page for frequently asked questions about our fees, or read about our payment options.

If you would like to discuss our fees further, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We’re looking forward to helping you achieve perfect English—at the perfect price.