Application for freelance proofreader position

Personal Details

0 / 100
Please enter the first language you learnt and spoke from childhood.0 / 100
Select proof of identity *Please ensure this document features your current address.
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Please ensure scan is legible. Images or PDF, 8MB limit.

Academic Details

Please insert publication history formatted as bibliography citations in APA format. 900 word maximum.0 / 900
Please enter succinct education history including dates. 900 word maximum.0 / 900

Professional Details

Please enter number of years of proofreading experience.
Please provide a short description of your proofreading experience. 600 words maximum.0 / 600
No file chosen
Please upload résumé. 8MB limit, documents only.

Please note that we don't ask for cover letters. If there's something crucial you'd like to tell us about your application, please get in touch with us after submitting your application.

Confirm and Submit

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